Here's a little recap of the last several crazy months!
I've been writing under the blog name, "
Southern in the City" but will be posting here from now on but will refer back to my other blog from time to time.
As most all of you know I got married on May 11, 2013. Woohoo!!! Here's a sneak peak of some wedding pics.
I moved
from Manhattan to South Carolina to join this sweet new husband
of mine who had already started at his new contract job as a tour helicopter pilot.
My parents stayed at our place while
we were on our honeymoon in Jamaica and then they stayed two nights with us when we got back.
My brother Bradley and his wife/my best friend, Crystal also spent a few nights
with us over Memorial Day weekend. We also had other visitors (yeah Jordann, Bethany & Kathryn!) which made the summer better. I got to catch up with quite of few Campus Outreach friends as well. We spent until mid-September in South Carolina. We then took a week with my family in NC and then headed to New Hampshire to spend time with Corey's family. I also spent several weeks in New York working for Redeemer and seeing friends. Thanks for hosting me Bethany, Robyn, Katherine & Ashley! I so needed that time in NYC. I took a little detour trip out to the Hamptons to see Adriana for several days as well. So fun to get time with her and work alongside her.
I got two big privileges in November. I got to be the speaker at a women's retreat for a church in Greensboro called The Kirk. A friend who I knew during my time on staff with Campus Outreach, Kate Brittain, asked me to be the speaker. It was so challenging for me to prepare as they asked me to speak about what God is currently teaching me. The theme of the weekend was "The Power of Friendship" and each talk looked at friendship in an unique way. The first talk was about the miracle that Christ calls us friend, the second was about authentic vulnerability in friendship and the last talk was on influence in friendship and how as Christians we can use our voice and world view to change lives and even culture. The other privilege was being on a panel for Campus Outreach seniors at their mobilization retreat. I encouraged them in lasting singleness and in using their skills and talents to advance the Kingdom of God! Both of these retreats were breaths of fresh air for me during such an intense season of change.
After weeks of cleaning, sorting and a bit of remodeling, we are finally somewhat settled in our house in North Carolina. It has taken over a month to get my grandparents' house livable again but we are finally in! There is so much more to do on the house but it will have to happen over time. It is good to be near family again after living far away for nearly six years.
Once I realized I would be leaving the most amazing city in
world, I also realized I would need a new name for my blog. I am still as southern
as they come but I guess
sadly I’m no
longer, “
Southern in the City”. For now I'll be using my new monogram I got back in May!
Because of all the major changes I've been going through,
I've seriously neglected my blog. But, I've been making little notes of things I wanted to be sure I put on the blog. As I planned the wedding I would be
tempted to write about different little ideas I had but held back so that they
would be surprises for our guests on the actual wedding day.
My plan is to walk through the different elements of
the wedding and share with you my planning process and why we chose the things
we chose. Some of this is for me to remember the different elements of the
wedding that meant so much to me and to Corey. Some of it is to share ideas
with other brides who are in the planning process. We wanted a meaningful day
focused on Christ surrounded by family and friends and that is just what we had! We
will be sharing wedding pictures along the way as well. Plus, we have honeymoon pics to
share with you and I will write a post about our trip to Jamaica.
As you can see from the categories on the right, there are lots of topics I hope to cover on this blog and some I'm sure that won't fit nicely into a labeled category. FYI: Some of the label buttons won't work until I post to that category.
I’m excited to be able to rejoin the blogging world after a lapse of writing consistently.
I hope it will be a blessing to you, a way to stay connected
to us and a way to see a little bit of our lives from afar.
Stay tuned for the next won't want to miss that....I promise :)! It might have something to do with the label with ???? on it.