Monday, June 23, 2014

Graham: Four Months Today!

Our sweet "Grahambo" was born four months ago tonight. That is incredibly hard to believe but some days I do wonder where my tiny little baby has gone. Graham has developed such an incredible personality and he is full of energy! He has learned to screech at the top of his lungs which is quite hilarious...most of the time. He has discovered his toes and can now reach them to his mouth. He can now belly laugh. We took him for his very first swim on Saturday (Thanks, Kelley!)

We are praying that Graham will grow up to have character and to live out what he believes. He lights up when his daddy enters the room. I hope he will always admire and respect his wonderful daddy.

Here are some pictures from the month and a few videos as well....ENJOY our little boy! He is so special!

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Sunday, June 15, 2014


It has been a lovely day with my dad and just now welcoming my husband home from Flight School in Tennessee for his first father's day. I'm feeling overly blessed by the gifts that God has given me. My dad has one of those laughs you can hear from a mile away. He loves downtrodden people easily and has given his time and talents to so many people, asking nothing in return. He is constantly telling stories, life lessons or sharing something he discovered in scripture. He loves deeply and forgives quickly. He is tenderhearted yet capable and strong. I hope to be like him when I grow up ;).

Graham getting a little lesson from his Papa Joe
My handsome husband has risen to the surprise occasion of becoming a dad in our first year of marriage. He is patient, fun, silly, tender, helpful and loving. Even now he is out mowing the grass after flying all morning and then driving back to NC from Tennessee. He cares so much for Graham and I in very tangible ways. I am not ignorant that having Corey in my life is a complete gift that I do not deserve whatsoever.

I just spent the afternoon at the Humphrey's house having a cook-out (barbecue as we would say in NYC). Don and Charlotte are second parents to me and grandparents to our little Graham. Having my brothers, Jenn & Crystal there all holding and loving on little Graham made me a bit emotional.

We got to see my Papal Drake this week too and he also got to hold and love Graham. I definitely miss my Paw Gene today. Normally we with cousins, aunts, uncles would all gather around him as a family reminiscing our childhoods on the Alexander farm. Also, I can't forget my new father in law, Roger. He raised this wonderful man I get to call my husband and supports us so generously in so many ways.

I know that with a day of celebrating for many also brings sadness for others. I'm thinking of a few friends who are going through this weekend without their dads and some for the first time. Praying the Lord's presence as your father is felt and is salve to your hearts.

Happy Father's Day to my dad, my husband (for the first time), to Roger, Don, Papal Drake, my uncles and the other men who have shaped who I am today.
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