Thursday, October 23, 2014

Graham is 8 months old!

Graham at exactly EIGHT months old

Our sweet boy, Graham, is now eight months old.  He is full on crawling and getting into everything now. His favorite pastimes are unfolding the laundry I just folded, trying to chew on cords and screeching at the top of his lungs. His laugh is amazing and we love to find new ways to get him to belly laugh. He is teething (and drooling!) like crazy and just today I saw two more teeth poking through.

He is very "talkative" with his baby words. This isn't great footage as we were in the car but you can hear how LOUD and expressive he is getting!

He also learned to pull himself up in his crib a few times. He continues to be a great eater and with all the new movement is eating even more than he was before.

He loves his little piano and plays it almost everyday.

This is Graham laughing with my family while his Uncle Jeffrey was holding him.

This video is Graham laughing and jumping with Bugs Bunny at my parents' house. This one is a must see!

More look a like pics...these are of me around Graham's age. One cool thing is that the one on the orange carpet was taken at my grandparents' house. The very house we live in now. So sweet! (Thank goodness we no longer have '70's carpet though!)

Our precious boy continues to win our hearts with his loud, curious and loving personality. He is certainly one of a kind and we love him so much. This month I am praying that he would grow up to be a patient man who is slow to anger.

Thanks for checking in to see another month in Graham's first year.

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