Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Favorite Australian

New York is one of the best places in the world to live..... EXCEPT for one major have to get really good at good byes and then reinvesting yourself in new community.

Today is the end of an era. My favorite Australian is moving back to Perth from NYC. I met Ashley online :). Well, the Redeemer classifieds anyway. I wasn't searching for a deep friendship as much as I was looking for someone to live on our loft. God gave me both. She moved in wearing a white skirt and pearls and bought shelves to install on the loft for all of her high heels. She had a table up there for her tea set. You can't stand in the space but she had her tea set arranged :). She painted one wall pale pink. She was an amazing roommate to me during the time I was getting to know and date Corey and squealed with me like a little girl when we got engaged! Our 4A parties were spectacular because she brings beauty and thoughtfulness wherever she goes.

I've learned so much from her and she makes me so much fancier than I am naturally :). She helped me plan my wedding and implemented dreams of that weekend that I've had since I was a little girl. She says things like darling, oh suga', toMAto, dear, would you like some tea? She startles easily which Corey loves to take advantage of. NYC will forever have an Ashley shaped hole in it and our community there in NYC is better off for her glamorous presence. We all see that she loves Jesus and spreads His joy easily.

With tears in my eyes we send you off...bride to you so much!! Christian, take good care of our girl! Have a wonderfully special wedding day and send us lots of pictures!

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Pregnancy and more!

So I thought I should probably make a few notes to remember my pregnancy. I am normally a person who journals regularly but let's face it. Not this year. That makes me a little sad since this has been such a significant year but the reality is I either simply have not had time or the emotional energy to put down on paper the things I normally like to record and process. So I find myself exactly two weeks before our baby is due and I've not written about the experience of being pregnant. Anyone who knows me for more than five minutes will tell you lots of things about me but one of them is that I'm not great at dealing with pain or discomfort or being hot, etc. I try not to be a brat but I do try to change my circumstance :).

Overall I've had a great pregnancy with little incident. All of my doctor's appointments have gone smoothly. I know I can't take these things for granted. I have dear friends who know what a miracle that is! I was quite sick most of July and part of August. Morning sickness is a not truthful euphemism for yucky, gross sick all day most days.  It is where you need to eat to feel better but hate to eat because you feel so gross. I am also thankful that subsided and I know that is also not the case for many friends of mine.

Friends have asked about cravings. I've had a few....I think. Mainly it is just that something will sound really good to me over other things. I guess that is a craving. I have also wanted things I've not thought about for years like chocolate milk. The main thing I've had concerning food is food aversions. I normally dislike onions. I loathe them right now. I normally eat salad daily. Hate it. I normally eat chicken and eggs regularly. Hate those too. Can't even handle the smell of eggs being cooked. Oh smell. That is just a cruel thing that happens to pregnant women. I am already sensitive to getting migraines. I don't get them often. Maybe 4 times a year but when I do get them...yikes! And, over time I've figured out that certain smells can push me from normal headache to severe migraine. So, having the bionic prego nose is no fun! While I'm ranting...when something says fragrance free...they are normally lying.

I've done 3 loads of baby clothes laundry now. Feels completely surreal, I'll be honest. You see I know how to be single. Single the city. Single and loving Jesus. Single and traveling the world. I still haven't really figured out being married (to the best hubby ever!) and within the next few weeks, a little one will be here. One that fits into these things. 

Blows my mind! 

My sweet husband got the car seat and stroller out of the box and ready to go. Seeing it in our house feels out of place to me. I know I can't be in denial for too much longer. I can feel & see this baby moving like crazy and I know he or she is running out of room because I sure can't breathe! 

Friends, definitely pray for me as I approach time for labor & delivery. I'm a big chicken but I know I can do this and I'm excited to meet this little person. I hope he or she looks like daddy because I sure love looking at him :).

Here are some pics of the baby shower my mom's cousin hosted. They spoiled this little one! Such a lovely time with church friends who have known me my whole life! Thanks to Renee, Crystal and my mama for pulling this together! I can't get over that cake!

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The Rehearsal Dinner

Corey and I planned our rehearsal dinner to be a night where we could welcome guests to a night of sharing stories, a good southern meal and just be together. Some guests were local and some had traveled very far to share this special weekend. It was also a time to have our whole families together.

Here are some pictures from that night:

Want to know where I got the place mats? Go here!

We also played a fun game I saw on another blog called the Shoe Game. It was a way for the guests to learn a little about Corey and I as a couple and as individuals. Of course Corey had the crowd laughing. I had a hard time facing away from him because I wanted to see his answers.

I have several people who made this night possible. They worked like crazy to make it so so special and what I had envisioned for so many years. Thank you is not enough. There may be people I'm missing because I know it took an army to pull it off.


Jeff & Jenn Alexander
Don & Charlotte Humphrey
Bradley & Crystal Alexander
Ashley Lyon
Bekah Sylvestre
Jordann Sylvestre
Tyanne Mullins
Betty Sylvestre
Neil Tiwari
Kristin Galphin
Derek Sylvestre
Gabe Sylvestre

Some more pics from this special night....

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Whirlwind of 2013

This year has been just that. An absolute whirlwind. It has been wonderful, painful, challenging and a roller coaster of emotions. Below is a time line of all we've been going through. You can plug in the emotions where you see fit. Excitement, Panic, Tears, Feeling Overwhelmed, Loved, Grief, etc. You can decide where they fall appropriately :).

If you haven't heard from me...this could be why.....

Beginning of April 2013: Corey gets a job in SC which means a move for us after getting married
Mid-April: Corey moves to SC; Amy in NYC working at Redeemer and planning the wedding, having bridal showers, planning the move back south, etc.
Beginning of May: Amy moves back south to NC for 2 weeks from NYC after 5.5 years for the last details of wedding planning
May 9th-11th: Wedding Weekend. We get married!! Woohoo!
May 12th: Amy moves to SC to join Corey
May 13th to 18th Honeymoon in Jamaica
May 21st: Corey takes a big exam for work
June ???: Get pregnant!
Beginning of July: find out we are pregnant & super sicko with morning sickness...YUCK!
July: Amy working remotely for Redeemer writing a semester long curriculum (whew!) and overseeing volunteers for VBS; Corey still flying tours a million hours a day.
Mid to End of July: Amy in NYC for work and to see friends
September: Corey wraps up working a million hours all summer long and we head to Charlotte for a week or so; Amy applies for jobs in NC including one at Mitchell Community College.
Mid-September: We head to New Hampshire to visit Corey's family. Corey stays just over a month. I stay almost 2 weeks and then head to NYC.
End of Sept to End of Oct: Amy in NYC working for Redeemer and nannying. Corey is in NH studying, helping on the family farm and spending time with family.
End of Oct: we both return to NC and stay with Amy's family while we get the house ready to move into. This takes WAY longer than we ever dreamed. Stayed for over a month at Amy's parents.
November: moved into house with MUCH still in progress. Amy interviews for a job at Mitchell Community College. Corey takes two intense aviation exams and passes. Yeah!
December: Continued working on our house. Waited to hear about Amy's job and Corey's school (needs to find somewhere with a certain type of training...ugh!!). Amy still working remotely on one last project for Redeemer.
Early Dec: Corey's parents visit from New Hampshire
Mid-Dec: Amy's get a job offer for the Coordinator of Student Activities at Mitchell Community College. PTL!
Dec. 14th: Celebrated Christmas early with family since my little bro and sis in law went to Africa.
Late Dec: My Paw Gene is quite sick. Alexander Family Christmas cancelled/rescheduled.
Jan 1st: My Paw Gene went home to heaven.
Jan 2nd: Amy starts work at Mitchell.
Jan. 10th-12th: Corey's sis Jordann visits
Jan. 15th: My Papal Avery had to be admitted to the hospital for 1.5 weeks
Jan. 20th-27th Corey traveling for flight training

Whew!!!!! Deep breath. The roller coaster is still moving.....
Our baby is due this month!

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