Our wedding ceremony took place on May 11, 2013 and included many special moments with incredible people there to support us.
Amy's cousins and Corey's sisters lit candles to remember our special family now in heaven as selected hymns were played.
The flowers girls and ring bearer started down the aisle.
Adam sang, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus" and rang the bell four times for the hour just before Amy went down the aisle.
Layna played the wedding march and Joe, Amy's dad, calmed Amy before the doors opened.
Corey's sisters led the congregation in one of my favorite hymns, "There is a Redeemer".
Andrew shared a homily from Philippians 2 where he talked about Amy & Corey being like-minded, of one purpose and having the same spirit and love.
Corey and Amy exchanged vows and rings.
Layna and Jeff (Amy's brother) sang "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" as their parents and the congregation prayed over them.
Andrew then declared them husband and wife and announced, "Mr. and Mrs. Corey Sylvestre."
The flowers girls and ring bearer started down the aisle.
Adam sang, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus" and rang the bell four times for the hour just before Amy went down the aisle.
Layna played the wedding march and Joe, Amy's dad, calmed Amy before the doors opened.
Corey's sisters led the congregation in one of my favorite hymns, "There is a Redeemer".
Andrew shared a homily from Philippians 2 where he talked about Amy & Corey being like-minded, of one purpose and having the same spirit and love.
Corey and Amy exchanged vows and rings.
Andrew then declared them husband and wife and announced, "Mr. and Mrs. Corey Sylvestre."
Amy, It is really quite random how I have come across your blog. But at any rate, I live in Raleigh. I was so encouraged by your post about the years of dating and how God gave you the other desires of your heart before a husband. SO Encouraged!!! Thank you for sharing!