Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hudson is 4 Months Old!!

Hudson is now four months old. That means he has been in the cardiac intensive care unit for 124 days since birth (plus another couple weeks in utero)! 

What a miracle this little man is! His physical therapist says he is doing great and meeting goals like getting more control of his head and grabbing for things he sees.

He currently weighs 10 and 1/2 pounds....yippee!

Hudson has had a lot of challenges and they aren't over but we are seeing him grow even in the midst of a cold and infections. 

More prayers for a stable blood pressure, great liver function & lower bilirubin, more growth, ability to tolerate more milk, lots of stability, no more infections, wisdom for his doctors and preparation for another open heart surgery in the months to come.

We love our Hudson!

Hudson shirt says it all! What a miracle!

A little tummy time!

One of this Hudson's caring nurses made this sweet sign for our sweet boy's special day!

 photo sig2_zps366e639b.png

1 comment:

  1. Excited for Hudson's progress! I'll continue to pray for your precious little boy!
