Saturday, November 14, 2015

Why I Cry on My Birthday

A birthday can bring many emotions. I don't know about you, but I cry at least a little almost every year on my birthday. There are many reasons this has happened over the years. Some significant, some silly. Yesterday I was taking a walk and thinking about my life, my family, friends. You. Reflecting on so many things and of course, the tears came.

Over the years, I've cried on my birthday...

because I was single
because a certain person didn't call
because my heart was broken
because of the friends who surrounded me
because I was away from people I love
because I laughed so hard
because I felt lonely or misunderstood
because I was leaving for Africa the next day
because I felt fat and had nothing to wear

I cry on my birthday this year...

for Hudson...that we still have you and you are stable!
for my super fun Graham
because its my first bday without any grandparents
for my cousin who only got 37 years
(we miss you, Darin! I shouldn't get older than my big cousin.)
for my husband's dreams of flying
for being so far from home
for my career
out of thankfulness for God's provision
for the sacrifices my friends and family have made for us
for the "love of my life" birthday card from my handsome husband
for the card from the CHOP nurses and my sweet mother and father-in law
for the card and flowers
for all the messages, posts and texts
for Paris...oh Paris

The tears come from joy, sadness and being overwhelmed.

I'm a loved girl.
Thanks for a great 37th bday!

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