Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Graham at 5 months

Graham is five months old today! Where has the time gone?!?

Grahambo does loves his Aunt Crystal!

He is so expressive and learning so much. He has two little front bottom teeth poking through.

He definitely can fit those toes in his mouth and has hit the stage where EVERYTHING goes in his mouth to chew on. He is drooling all over everything including me. He laughs so hard and has the sweetest little cheeks. He laughs at his daddy making noises and he has been spending lots of time with his Grandma Cathy and Papa Joe while Corey's been traveling. Papa Joe has already gotten him a go-cart made for a ten year old. He walks him outside to see it everyday. Graham is already showing his little opinions. It is amazing to me that someone so little has so many opinions :).

Others tell me that he is a very vocal baby. I thought so but I didn't know if other babies "talk" as much as Graham. Here's a video of what I mean!

Graham is big enough now to sit in his high chair. He is also eating rice cereal and bananas and loving it!

A few things Graham did this month: We went up to the North Carolina mountains with Aunt Crystal and Graham got to meet Sandi and two of her girls a few weeks ago.

We also made a stop by Camp Tekoa to see Carrie and her kiddos.

Thanks, Aunt Carrie, for my Tekoa shirt!

 Plus, Erin came to visit from New York and Wendy drove up from Matthews and spent the afternoon with us.
We also had a family get together with my mom's side of the family, The Mills. My grandmother was Frances Mills Drake. It was such a nice time seeing everyone after not being together for many years.

So much for a happy pic with daddy before his trip....I'm sad when he leaves too but I'll spare you pics of my tears :).

Here's another recent video of little Graham Drake.

Praying that as our sweet boy grows up, he will know Christ and make Him known through his character and joy.

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